The Crystallographic X-ray Facility at the Department of Biochemistry is fully equipped to perform macromolecular crystal structure determination and has extensive expertise in most protein crystallography techniques. We also have an in-house fragment library and the ability to perform fragment screening via X-ray crystallography.
We do not advertise structure determination as a fully-fledged service simply because we cannot always guarantee a successful outcome in a reasonable amount of time. We recommend approaching the process step-by-step, and therefore charge for each step separately. A typical process is shown below. The costs are estimates and will vary depending on the complexity of the problem and the user.
Please contact the facility manager (pdb47 at to discuss your requirements.
1) Search for crystallisation hits (£500-£2500).
2) Crystallisation hit optimisation (£500-£1500).
3) X-ray diffraction screening and data collection (£250-£2000).
4) Phase problem resolution (by all modern techniques) (£250-£2500).
5) Model building and refinement calculations (£250-£1500).