Stock availability of crystallisation plates with pre-dispensed screens:
The screens are pre-dispensed into 96-wells, 2-drops, MRC-type plates and are in 1-12 format (compatible with Rock Imager software). The cost is £20 per plate (this includes the UV-transparent seal) as of Oct 22, 2024.
Crystallisation Screen (Manufacturer) |
Screen information |
Classics Suite (Qiagen) | |
Classics Lite Suite (Qiagen) |
JCSG+ (Molecular Dimensions) |
BCS (Molecular Dimensions) |
LMB Screen (Molecular Dimensions) | |
PH Clear I Suite (Qiagen) | |
PH Clear II Suite (Qiagen) |
MBClass II Suite (Molecular Dimensions) | |
PEGS I Suite (Qiagen) |
PEGS II Suite (Qiagen) | |
Protein Complex (Qiagen) |
Nucleix Suite (Qiagen) |
Cryo 96 Suite (Qiagen) |
AmSO4 Suite (Qiagen) |
PACT Suite (Molecular Dimensions) |
MPD Suite (Qiagen) |
MIDAS (Molecular Dimensions) |
Morpheus (Molecular Dimensions) |
MemGold I (Molecular Dimensions) |
MemGold II (Molecular Dimensions) |
Wizard I and II (Molecular Dimensions) |
Wizard III and IV (Molecular Dimensions) |
Additive screens
Additive Screen |
Link |
Morpheus additive screen |